Frequent fatal mistakes in novice gold speculation

A wise person will look forward, while a wise person will look backwards. Cultivation of mind should be based on cleansing, and spot gold investment should be viewed with a smart eye, and the pattern of the horizon should not be too small.

The following teacher will explain the reasons for the loss of spot gold investment

1. Don't listen to people telling stories. Everyone likes to hear stories about heroes fighting against evil forces. On Wall Street, storytelling is an important part of the sales process, and gold is no exception.

The large-scale government intervention has made the true "free market" no longer exist. Together with the coordinated action of the central bank, the introduction of unprecedented quantitative easing and the implementation of a zero interest rate policy, it will inevitably cause currency devaluation and hyperinflation.

2. Ignoring history will hurt you. Everything has a cycle. In investment, you cannot always hold a certain variety, because any investment will eventually enter a decline period, whether it is US Treasury bonds or gold.

3. Leverage always means danger. History tells us that when any investment product is bought through credit overdraft, it is bound to face the risk of margin call.

Whether it is technology stocks of the year, zero down payment housing, and subprime mortgage securities, leverage will always lead to liquidation. The same is true for precious metals. When trading rookie encounters leverage, it must mean a liquidation.

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4. Have a big picture. For investors, do n’t be fooled by the current short-term market, but keep the overall picture in mind and view all issues dynamically.

Many gold investors tend to believe that the economy will remain depressed forever, but everything is cyclical, and all depressions and recessions will eventually give way to economic recovery and up cycles.

5. "Don't sell if killed" is harmful. Once some investors hold certain investment products, they have psychological obstacles in lightening or closing positions. However, many gold investors often stick to the thinking of "do not sell to death", it seems that no situation can allow them to sell their gold.

This is a dangerous mode of thinking for any investment, especially for commodity investment. In fact, for all positions, no matter how attractive the story behind it, we should have an exit strategy in advance.

On the road of spot gold investment, it is particularly important to choose a teacher who travels along the way. There is no one-night riches, no cheats for making money 100%, only a stable trading system and a sincere heart, believe me to come to me, saying too many unrealistic words I think it will be hypocritical Rich! But beg for a long stream.


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